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Map of Woodworking Schools in USA

There are dozens of woodworking schools of one kind or another in the US and Canada. From college programs, to chairmaking workshops, to residential apprenticeships, to timberframing classes - tons of courses exist. But there are gaps in the geography either because the local trees suck for making furniture and boats (i.e., Wyoming) or because no one lives there (i.e., eastern Montana).

I threw this map together this morning. The usual hot spots stand out - those places recognized for their natural beauty and strong historical ties to traditional woodworking: Coastal New England, Appalachia, Northern California, the Ohio-Kentucky line, and the Puget Sound.

My goal with this map was to show the geographic distribution of schools in order better understand where woodworking schools are NOT. Boise ID, for example, would be a logical location for a new school. Other prospective locations that afford easy drive-to or fly-in access (and good beer) might include:

Boise ID

Chelan WA

Bend OR

Reno NV

Las Vegas NV

Fort Collins CO

Lincoln NE

Salt Lake City UT *

Austin TX

School location info from and Basemap image by Not all schools are shown.

* Salt Lake City is a bad place for beer.

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