Sheeted Clastic Dikes in the Megaflood Region
The definitive article on clastic dikes in Eastern Washington. Origin, age, character, and distribution are discussed. Data driven research.

Some Maps I've Made
Watercolor of Puget Sound. Portion of a larger map of Alaska I made for Audubon Alaska. Planning map for canal lining project for...

Ancient Flood Gravel Beneath Thick Calcrete Ledges - White Bluffs, WA
Exotic clasts in gravel . An exotic clast-bearing conglomerate at White Bluffs Overlook was left by an ancient Ice Age flood. The...

Sill Injectites w/ Shattered Fills - Indian Creek, WA
At Indian Creek, WA I discovered 3 breccia-filled sills injected into varved Glacial Lake Columbia sediments, each extending for more...

Predicting liquefaction extent in the Yakima Fold Belt
Geologists have long debated how large of an earthquake Yakima Fold Belt faults can produce. Some claim these shallow (<10km), intraplate...

Evidence for Long Periods Between Fillings in Sheeted Clastic Dikes
Crosscutting relationships establish the order of events in a sheeted clastic dike exposed near TriCities, WA. 1.) Injection of yellow...

Fracture Fillings at Weaver Pit, Walla Walla Valley, WA
College students with access to quality information on the geology exposed near their schools will cause Geology professors to raise...

Curious Clastic Dikes of the Columbia Basin (Reprint)
Reprint of this article: Cooley, S.W., 2015, The curious clastic dikes of the Columbia Basin (p. 91-92), in Carson, R.J., Many Waters:...

Geology in Fine Art
Vahe Yeremyan Rhone Alps Levi Walter Yaggy Geological Chart Maynard Dixon Men and Mountains Rockwell Kent Sunglare, Alaska Rockwell Kent...

Ansel Afternoons
A few black and white images from the summer. The Dupuis barn and the mouth of Crow Canyon near Pablo, MT. Mission Valley at St....