Sheeted Clastic Dikes in the Megaflood Region
The definitive article on clastic dikes in Eastern Washington. Origin, age, character, and distribution are discussed. Data driven research.

Two Terminal Moraines in Mission Valley, MT
INTRODUCTION The Glaciation of Mission Valley The Cordilleran Ice Sheet invaded northwestern Montana multiple times during the...

Calcrete Growth in Alluvial Lowlands - New Findings in Eastern Washington State
I can't get any lower. Still I feel I'm sinking. -Soundgarden Calcrete is not a caprock . Thick pedogenic calcrete is intrinsically...

I.C. Russell's Reconnaissance in Central Washington, 1892
J.S. Diller, the Geologist in charge of the Cascade Division for the U.S. Geological Survey, dispatched a young Israel C. Russell to...

Calcrete: Friends of the Pleistocene PNW Cell 2023 - Photos from Field Trip to Eastern WA
Thanks for all who attended the 2023 Friends of the Pleistocene PNW Cell's field trip and for sending in your pics! Calcrete. Proper...

Giant Current Ripples at Omak, WA
Focus Shifts North Paleo-outburst flood indicators including large bedform trains and iceberg scour marks have been discovered in...

Geology at the Colville River Mouth - Lake Roosevelt, WA
Colville River Mouth. The Colville River enters the Columbia River at Rivermile 100 just south of Kettle Falls, WA. Its an easy hike...

Ancient Flood Gravel Beneath Thick Calcrete Ledges - White Bluffs, WA
Exotic clasts in gravel . An exotic clast-bearing conglomerate at White Bluffs Overlook was left by an ancient Ice Age flood. The...

Calcrete Field Trip 2023 - Hendricks Road at Eagle Lakes, WA
Revised interpretation - I am revising my interpretation of the brown, cemented sediments at Hendricks Road. These same beds rest atop...

Calcrete-Capped Megaflood Gravel - George, WA
George gravel pit . George gravel pit . Location is N of historic Burke, WA and NW of non-historic George, WA. George is not Burke . My...