I.C. Russell's Reconnaissance in Central Washington, 1892
J.S. Diller, the Geologist in charge of the Cascade Division for the U.S. Geological Survey, dispatched a young Israel C. Russell to...

Great Terrace of the Columbia #1 - The Explorers
Geologists have long been fascinated with the high terrace that stands well above the modern Columbia River between Brewster and Chelan....

Great Terrace of the Columbia #2 - The Geologists
The Great Terrace from Chelan butte. John Whitmer photo. WGS photo archive. "I hold my conclusions lightly and am willing to change them...

Roald Fryxell: My spirit animal
All-around geologist, climber, and educator Roald Hilding Fryxell in Levis on Eagles Rest Peak, Teton Range. WY c. 1953. Son of Fritiof...

Repeated Soft Sediment Deformation - Lake Rufus Woods, WA
Shear stress at the base of the overriding flow is transmitted to the substrate, forming these structures. Soupy and clay-rich substrate...

Clastic Dikes at Metaline Falls, WA
Olaf P. Jenkins took these photos in 1924 near Metaline Falls, WA. They show Pleistocene-age clastic dikes intruding rippled...

A North Slope Field Geologist c. 1919
Photo: Prudhoe Bay c. 1974. A hundred years before Barrow became the industrial hub of Alaska's North Slope, oil seeps provided Inupiat...

Slide Planes, Mud Squirts & Diamicts in Upper Grand Coulee
Brian Atwater always makes you feel like a million bucks. He invited me to join a group of geologists meeting in the Upper Grand Coulee...

A Visit to Rich Chambers' Jocko Site - Arlee, MT
Last week I had the pleasure of a day in the field with Rich Chambers and Larry Smith. Rich did early work on Glacial Lake Missoula...

Predicting liquefaction extent in the Yakima Fold Belt
Geologists have long debated how large of an earthquake Yakima Fold Belt faults can produce. Some claim these shallow (<10km), intraplate...