Dual Sport Riding Gear for Montana
The Honda XR650L is the most red-blooded American motorcycle Japan ever built. "If you're not first, you're last." Riding Season...

Two Lines in Motorcycle Design - Norden 901 & KTM 990
Comparing outlines. Traced outlines of the 2013 KTM 990 and 2021 Husqvarna 901 reveal a strikingly similar shape. The appeal of this...

Honda NX250: Good design thinking
In the late 1980s Honda released the NX250, a small dual sport with rally styling. It was a fresh look for the market and for Honda...

Golf Club Rack for Honda Trail 90
Scooter-mounted Device to Carry Golf Clubs If a surfboard can be carried on a bicycle, why can't a full bag of golf clubs be carried on a...

Thinking About a Dual Sport
I'm starting to look around for a dual sport motorcycle. Our corner of NW Montana is proper farm and ranch country. The peer pressure to...

Vintage Bikes #1 and #2
1937 TRIUMPH SPEED TWIN 18" x 9" Acrylic on panel HARLEY DAVIDSON 42WLA LIBERATOR 18" x 9" Acrylic on panel