What Happened This Week

Lots of daisies popped up this week.

Endless summer afternoons - unquestionably the best time of year in Alaska. 8:30pm here.

A little yellow bird flew into my bedroom this morning. I set him out on the railing to reconsider his flight plan. Waves of different birds are coming through the valley this time of year. Arctic Warbler?

Little table finds a new home in Atticus's zombie escape fort across the road.

Alaskan peonies. We've got tons of them this week.

Joan says Day Lily.

Lucy assumes the usual late afternoon position.

Excavator by day, Artist by night. There are times when a man needs to escape to the driveway, fabricate a blue marlin from cardboard, and paint it up right.

Perfect pair. Verne with a real fish (in crate) and a reasonable facsimile (above crate). The latter comes in very handy in figuring where to hang the former.

Lucy fights gravity in the sweltering heat of the dog day afternoon. Temperatures soared into the mid-70s all week.

Two hour fish with cheap pastels from Fred Meyer.

Wanna buy a cool house? Its cheaper this week!

I'm subcontracting on Jim's secret woodworking project.