Top 10 Washington Geologists
Influential geoscientists who have made numerous, substantial contributions to our understanding of Washington State's geology. Admittedly, this list favors living geologists, mapping, and quantitative work. The list is a summary of responses from several dozen geologists from western states to the question "Who would you put on a Top 10 list of Washington geologists?".
Bretz was the #1 response by a wide margin, so I went with a Top 11. But Atwater drives an unusually cool truck ('78 Powerwagon), a heavy source of bias for younger voters, so I added a 12th. The list that follows Bretz (and Brian) is not ordered. Congratulations to all!
Your outrage is always welcome:
J Harlen Bretz (1882-1981), University of Chicago/University of Washington
Bretz is the grandfather of the Channeled scabland. His pioneering work in Eastern Washington provides the foundation for our understanding of the Missoula floods today. His career is one of the great redemption stories in science.
Brian Atwater, U.S. Geological Survey/University of Washington
Paleoseismic record of the Cascadia Subduction Zone and Missoula flood record in the Sanpoil Valley.
Peter R. Hooper (1931-2012), Washington State University
Stratigraphy, petrology, correlation, and evolution of the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province with collaborators Steve Reidel and Don Swanson.
Ralph Haugerud, U.S. Geological Survey
Structural geology and mapping of the North Cascades and pioneer in the application of LiDAR to fault mapping.
Vic Baker, University of Arizona
Quantitative paleohydrology and geomorphic record of the Missoula floods.
Richard Waitt, U.S. Geological Survey
Detailed stratigraphic work in Missoula flood deposits over 4 decades.
Dave Montgomery, University of Washington
Pioneer in tectonic geomorphology, quantitative analysis of mountain landscapes, rock star guitarist, and author of several best selling books.
Joe Dragovich, Washington Department of Geology & Earth Resources
Journeyman mapping geologist for Washington's Division of Geology & Earth Resources and author of dozens of geologic quadrangles.
Rowland Tabor, U.S. Geological Survey Extensive mapping in the North Cascades and Olympic Mountains.
Eric S. Cheney, University of Washington (Emeritus)
Economic & regional geology. Noted for inspiring many to pursue careers in geology.
Steven C. Porter, University of Washington
Fundamental paleoclimate work on North America and most of the other continents.
Parke D. Snavely (1919-2003), U.S. Geological Survey
Pioneer in marine and onshore-offshore synthesis in addition to starting the USGS Marine Geology branch.
Robert C. (Bob) Carson, Whitman College
An institution - inspiring teacher, field geomorphologist, and authority on the Yellowstone backcountry. Discovered first active fault in the state. Author of numerous field guides, articles, maps, and books on variety of local problems.
Darrel S. Cowan, University of Washington
Structural geology and melanges of the northwest Cordillera.
Tim J. Walsh, Washington Department of Geology & Earth Resources
Hazards geologist and founder of the state's tsunami mitigation program.
Don J. Easterbrook, Western Washington University (Emeritus) Glacial geology and Pleistocene climate research.
E.H. (Ned) Brown, Western Washington University (Emeritus)
Tectonics of NW Washington.
Thomas Dunne, University of Santa Barbara
Hydrology, coupled hillslope-fluvial processes, hazards, and a department-building legacy at UW before UCSB.
Lisa L. Ely, Central Washington University
Fluvial geomorphology and paleoclimatology.
J. Hoover Mackin (1905-1968), University of Washington/UT Austin Wide ranging contributions to geomorphology.
Weldon Rau, U.S. Geological Survey/Washington Department of Natural Resources
Olympic Peninsula geology, stratigraphy, and paleoecology.
Eric Schuster, Washington Department of Geology & Earth Resources
Compiler for 1:100,000-scale geologic map series for Washington in 1990's.
Stephen P. Reidel, Washington State University-TriCities
Columbia River Basalts, supra-basalt seds, Hanford geology, and unconventional gas plays in CRB interbeds.
Brian Sherrod U.S. Geological Survey/University of Washington
Paleoseismology and neotectonics.
J.M. Armentrout
Julian Barksdale
M.E. Beck
Robert D. Bentley
Bruce Bjornstad
Richard Blakeley
Derek Booth
Mark T. Brandon
Alan Busacca
Chuck Campbell
John Clague
Thomas Condon
Howard A Coombs
Darrel Cowan
Dwight Crandell
Harold Culver
R.A. Daly
Dave Engebretson
Karl Fecht
Franklin "Nick" Foit
Roald Fryxell
Marshall T. Huntting
Sam Y. Johnson
Eugene Kiver
Estella Leopold
Ralph L. Lupher
Frank McCann
Bates McKee
Fred K. Miller
Robert B. Miller
Peter Misch
Dee Molenaar
Jim Monger
Jim O'Connor
J.T. Pardee
Erwin Raisz
Kevin Scott
T.W. Sisson
Mortimer Staatz
Dale Stradling
Don Swanson
Kathy Troost
Tim Walsh
A.C. Waters
Charles Weaver
Ray Wells
Bailey Willis
John Whetten
Joe Vance