Sauna Benches
Building a set of Atticus-proof sauna benches is no simple matter. He's small, but he understands leverage. The supply list called for 28...

20" Disk Sander Build - Part 1
I'm building a 20" disk sander. Its a simple enough machine, so I figure I can swing it. Inspiration: An old school disk sander made by...

Surf Style Coffee Table
I found this early '60s coffee table at the Re-Store for $10. The base was the only thing I wanted - the MDF and Formica top went right...

Faux Timberframe Sign
Run of the mill For Sale signs are kind of boring, but making a really nice sign is overkill. I improved upon the typical form by adding...

Good Deal on Shop Tshirts
I've ruined a lot of my favorite tshirts in the workshop, so I'm constantly on the look out for quality replacements. I can usually find...

Map of Woodworking Schools in USA
There are dozens of woodworking schools of one kind or another in the US and Canada. From college programs, to chairmaking workshops, to...

Seven Hour Axe
I've had this Michigan-pattern Kelly True Temper "A39" felling axe head knocking around my shop for a while now. I think it weighs 3.5...

Table Saw Fence Options
Which fence to buy? Figuring out which aftermarket fence is right for your cabinet-style or contractor-style table saw can be a daunting...

A Few Tool Upgrades
Power tools wear out over time, especially if you either a.) use them a lot, or b.) neglect them in a damp corner. Mine get used. A few...

Shingle Roof in a Day
The Bostitch RN46-1 roofing nailer is a sweet tool. With it, I was able to put down 32 bundles of shingles and complete the garage roof...