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TRGS Draft Website

"Home" page w/ rotating images of cool geology and landscapes:


"Who We Are" page, clicking takes you to other pages or subpages:


"Membership" page:


"What We Do" page is similar to Who We Are page, but different links to pages and subpages.



"Scholarships" subpage explains application process, explains each fund, and lists all names of past winners:


"Northwest Geology" subpage explains the guidebook and includes PDF of instructions to authors.


"Publications" is a gallery of all TRGS guidebooks/Northwest Geology and other pubs, shows front cover image of the volume:


"Field Conference" page will provide details on venue, driving directions, local info, and info for registration for upcoming conference. Entire page is not shown here.


"Officer, Bylaws & Board" subpage lists the top brass:


"Contact" page links to a generic email address assigned to someone(?):

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