Wildlife Management

A few adventures with animals over the years...

Chris Danilson and I climbing Cutthroat Peak with mountain goats. Soon after this he became a mountain goat researcher.

Proof that Sasquatch lives in northern California.

Mountain lion den with 10-day old kittens.

Carnivore researchers Hil and Hugh with cougar kittens near Rossland, BC. Hugh was born in Mexico, Hil in Mass.

Black bear with its paw stuck in a rubber-jawed wolf trap decided to climb up a tree. Hilary is having second thoughts about following it.

Carnivore people refer to these as "Scooby Snacks".

Mahi mahi caught off Carriacou, Caribbean. Dan Trotzer aboard R/V Westward around Christmas of '93.

The 2007 VW Rabbit is a surprisingly versatile cargo carrier.

Sedated male lion in the Medicine Bows, WY. Dugan, Fred, and Chuck Anderson's PhD project. Chuck has since moved out of the Trailer Ranch in West Laramie, but still prefers dancing with rather than talking to girls.

Cougar kittens at about a week old near Kettle Falls, WA.

Bighorn sheep capture team at Little Jack Canyon, Owyhees.

Boil up some wolf skulls. Quickest way to freak out the neighbor kids.

What's sliding around in the back of Hil's truck today? Coyote traps.

Transporting a river otter from Idaho to Utah for reintroduction to the Provo River. I'm feeding it frozen tilapia.

Bird that stopped by the workshop. See 'Bird & Hound' post for more pics.

Young raptors resting on the Pathfinder after the storm. Gunnison Basin, CO.

Fiesty coyote pup, Gunnison Basin, CO.

Hauling the drive net gear for mule deer capture work, Boise Foothills, ID.

Mule deer captures with IDGF are some of the best days afield - especially when CW Jr. is there! Boise front.

Nope, that's not it. Let's try over here. Nope...

Make sure you always get the sling around all 4 legs.

Capture crew awaits arrival of the helo pilot, lunch, and hypothermia. Boise front.

Diaorama at the Washington State University Large Carnivore Research Lab, Pullman, WA. WSU offers a masters degree in Diorama Construction and Artificial Turf Management.

Looking for tracks. Hours and hours and hours of looking for tracks. Trust me, its way more fun being the driver.

Carter trapping the first wolf pack on the Colville Reservation. I can still hear Randy whining...

Rubber jawed wolf traps ready to boil up in another disgusting batch of Logwood dye.

Cahil. Okanogan Highlands, Washington.

Skaar, Hil, and Melissa moving muleys.

Shane loves this shit almost as much as my classes. Almost.


Vets and Feds never talk when working together in the field. They just KNOW.

Michelle on a mule deer capture.

GPS collar on big mountain lion, Washington.

Radio telemetry work on cougars was done back in the day when pleated pants were cool. Okanogan Highlands.

Hil's graduate research.

Bear cub on a rope. Ready...GO!